Get rid of plastics

Plastic Is Deadly Forever We are in a world surrounded by plastic. Plastic never biodegrades; it photo-degrades by drying up and breaking into pieces, which progressively get smaller and smaller in time. It becomes small enough for animals to mistake the plastic for food. In the ocean, fish and birds find floating plastic, eat it and can’t digest it, and

Plastic Can Make You Fat

What’s wrong with plastic? Can plastic make me sick? Can plastic make my baby sick? Can plastic make me gain weight? It MUST be safe because the FDA allows it…. NOT!Do you buy water in plastic bottles? Do you store your food in plastic containers? Do you microwave your food in plastic? The Plastic Industry

Plastic Bags in Trees

Plastic bags are everywhere. They catch the air and blow out of garbage containers. Of course, they shouldn’t be there, because now there are collection sites for plastic bags in your grocery store. Beautiful trees are defaced by plastic bags stuck in their branches. WHY can’t people just bring their own reusable bags to stores?

Hawaii Bans Plastic Bags!

No more plastic bags on Hawaii. What wonderful news! Plastic bags have a way of escaping from the consumer and ending up in trees, sewer drains, and in Hawaii, in the ocean. Perhaps you’ve heard of the Pacific Gyre? ( that’s just one of them). It’s a floating garbage patch filled with plastic that’s the size of